Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EPROM and Flash memory ID detection and Search

LabTool-48UXP Programmer  Device insertion and contact checks--

No mistakes!

    The LabTool-48UXP performs device insertion and contact

checks before it programs each device. It can detect poor pin

contact and devices inserted upside down or in the wrong

position. This function protects your pocketbook by preventing

expensive chip damage due to operator error.

LabTool-48UXP Programmer EPROM and Flash memory ID detection and


    Many EPROM and Flash memories have a build-in device ID and

manufacturer ID. The LabTool-48UXP can read the device's ID by

press hot key to detect the ID and compare its database and

determined the chip's correct vendor and product number. This

feature is especially useful with secondhand chips and devices

that have had their part number accidentally (or intentionally)

removed (this function only applied to 28 pin or 32 pin EPROM

and Flash).

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